Vehicle Applications

The prices quoted for application of vehicle livery are based on the following terms and conditions.

  1.  All vehicles must be clean and dry upon arrival of the fitter
  2.  All surfaces requiring application should be located in undercover facilities with minimum temperature of 15°C, in a well lit area, out of direct sunlight and windy conditions
  3. In the case of full wraps the following additional conditions apply;All vehicles must be kept overnight prior to application in undercover and enclosed facilities with a minimum temperature of 15 C.

    After application it is recommended that the wrapped vehicle remain in the enclosed facilities with a minimum temperature of 15 C for 8 hours.

    If any of the above conditions are not adhered to, any warranty given by Positive Design may become invalid.

  4.  Any waste created during application/removal of graphics will be disposed of on site in your designated bins
  5. 240v power supply will be required at any time of application/removal
  6. Where vehicles have been repaired/repainted we will not be responsible when removing graphics from any surface for loss of paint.


Please Note:

We cannot be held responsible for the replacement of body mouldings, trims on vehicle applications where the moulding has to be removed. The clips used on these mouldings are generally not design for more than one fixing.

We also will not be responsible for the replacement of vehicle badges that have to be removed and damaged during the application process.

Any part(s) of the vehicle(s) that may cause a problem upon removal will be pointed out on site by the fitter and the option given to proceed with the removal or application around/over the problem areas.

Additional Charges:

Additional charges may be incurred for waiting tome, additional work and extra travelling expense caused by but not limited to:

a) Vehicles not being ready on arrival.
b) cleaning vehicles prior ro application, other than use of required surface preparation systems.
c) The stated and agreed number of vehicles not being available.
d) Poor working conditions resulting in out inability to meet the quoted quantity.